My favourite time of the year is here ... XMAS!!
/I know it's been a while since I last wrote but I've had one busy year. In one year I bought a house, you heard correct, a house!!, adopted kittens and I got married (Woo) but wait, there's more! You may be saying to yourself that there can't possibly be more but when I do things I go all out ... I am also expecting my first baby in May 2015.
Am I excited? You have no idea. I am scared that 2014 will forever be my year, the year I conquered, loved fiercely and did all this with a smile! If 2014 is my year however, does that mean things can never get better than this? Something tells me my little one on the way will ensure that this will not be the case!
I guess Xmas makes all of us look back on the past year and count our many blessings. This year I definitely have a lot to count! I should also take some time to enjoy this peace and quite since I am sure it will be the last Xmas to do so.
Xmas eve is very special for me, I have always spent this time with my parents, eating food and watching Die Hard movies. Perfect night huh? Well this year my family is quite far away from me which can make this day extremely hard. I am lucky to now have a Husband to take care of me however, and I know we will start a new tradition of our own.
So for now I will bid you all goodbye and hope you have an amazing Xmas, make sure you tell all your loved ones what they mean to you! I am not normally a mushy person but Xmas brings this out of me.