HELP ME .... pack a suitcase!
/Well here I am, travelling to beautiful San Francisco on Sunday and nowhere near ready. All you organised freaks may be freaking out at such a thought but there's more, I don't even have a suitcase yet. The easiest thing to do would be to shake your head at me in disbelief and disappointment but I have a better idea, can you help me pack?
When I say help me pack, it's easy. All I need are tips and tricks to pack a suitcase for 12 whole days. Shouldn't be that hard right? Well I can assure you it is impossible for me. Having OCD you would think I would be all set but alas it is not so.
There is some hope for me yet though, I do have a plan! Tomorrow I am off to buy a suitcase - and that should mean the hard bit is sorted. Once that's done I JUST have to pack. Something else you may not know about me? I am a shopaholic so a half filled suitcase is also required.
How do I feel now that I shared my secret? Well let's put it this way, my breathing has intensified and it's making me quite dizzy! I guess you could say panic is slowly setting in.
So please help me, YOU are my only hope!