My random movie selection so far!
/Recently I decided that each month I would pick a random book, album and movie and see if I find any gems!! So far the movie selection has not gone too well. Although I did find a great movie amongst all the crap I've seen, I wish the rest of the movies weren't all so terrible!
Let's start with the movie I actually enjoyed and then move on to the worst one so far. Many of you would have actually seen this movie when it came out! This being Snatch. I must say that I have never been a fan of any of Brad Pitt's work but this movie role was truly made with him in mind. He put his all into the part and I have to say that I was really impressed. Besides Brad, the whole ensemble worked great together and Guy Richie did an outstanding job with this baby of his.
For the rest of you that haven't seen this movie yet, I've included the trailer just in case you're curious about Snatch. I highly recommend watching it too.
Now for the worst movie so far, well this week I went to watch 2 Days in New York. Once again I picked this movie by the cover and knew nothing of it. In fact, I only found out it was a sequel as I was walking in to the cinema to take my seat. Sequel or no sequel, this movie was terrible. I would go as far as to say it is one of THE worst movies I have ever seen in my life. Maybe I should take up directing if movies like these are being paid to be made!
I won't even include the trailer for this movie since I really hope you take my advice and stay well clear of it!
I guess that's it for now but I'll be sure to keep you updated on future random movies I watch, depending on movie posters. And feel free to let me know the worst movie you have ever randomly come across!